Community Resources Halton
Hospital Services
Joseph Brant Hospital Index – Burlington

Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Halton Health Care
1. Hospital and Community Locations – Effective April 1, 2018, all services offered through the three North Halton Mental Health Clinics have been transferred to Halton Healthcare. 2. North Halton Mental Health Clinics; – Services provided include community-based psychiatric assessment, treatment, counselling and case management for clients and their family members, help with understanding and managing medication, linkages to community supports, the first episode psychosis program, Phoenix Program partner. 3. OneLink Referral Form. 4. PODS Outpatient
Patient Oriented Discharge Summary Adult 2019
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Toronto
is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres in its field. CAMH is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto and is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre. Website Link to CAMH Programs for multiple Conditions, comprehensive Services and Programs.
Residential Services:
Residential Services: Summit House Programs and Outreach Programs

Residential Services: Bethany Residence
Community Support Programs:
Canadian Mental Health Association:

CMHA branches across Canada provide a wide range of innovative services and supports to people who are experiencing mental illness and their families. These services are tailored to the needs and resources of the communities where they are based. One of the core goals of these services is to help people with mental illness develop the personal tools to lead meaningful and productive lives. Some Current programs are listed on their website CHMA Education and Training. They access Community Programs through one-Link services see their website and referral form. This is the access to the CMHA Halton Mental-Health Resource Guide 2016. and to Local Burlington Community Resources
Website Link: Equilibrium, founded in 1991, is a peer support group for individuals and families who are affected by a mood disorder. Our purpose is to gain a better understanding of the illness, to offer non-judgemental support and to share experiences. No registration or membership is required. All those affected by a mood disorder are welcomed. Just show up! Operating costs are covered by donations at meetings.
Website Link: mindyourmind exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet. We work with community partners and young people aged 14 to 29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience. A fun website for young and youg at heart people. Resources include links to 1. Mental Health Help Websites 2.Wellness Resources. 3.Mental Health Conditons, 4. Self Help Tools 5.BeSafe, 6.youtheexperts,
Halton Community Legal Services:
Addiction Services, Counseling, Medical, Residential:
Website Link: ADAPT is a non-profit, community-based, outpatient addiction, assessment and treatment agency funded by the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and the United Way to provide Free Counseling & Support for Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Problems throughout the Halton Region.

META PHI Substance Use Disorder Programs:
RAAM Clinics : 1. Website Link: 2. Halton-Mississauga-RAAM-Clinic-Referral-Form: Halton & Mississauga Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic (RAAM ) Clinics: are outpatient addiction medicine clinics that provides expert assessment, brief counseling, and medication-assisted treatment for a variety of substance use disorders including opioids, alcohol, stimulants, cannabis, smoking cessation, and benzodiazepine tapering guidance. Their services are 100% covered by OHIP, and all patients are under the care of doctors with expertise in addiction medicine.
They offer same day walk-in service, with immediate access to Methadone and Suboxone programs for opioid addiction, and medication-assisted treatment for addiction involving Alcohol or other substances. They provide both short-term stabilization and longer-term follow-up care. Patients are also connected with addiction counseling and other supports to assist in their recovery.
Resources Booklet PDF Link that contains information on the following topics: Page 1. Introduction, Page 3. Identifying signs of substance use, Page 7. Providing wellness and comfort, Page 9. Harm reduction, Page 11: Addiction medications, Page 13 Self-care, Page 15. Resources Page 17. Appendix A: Residential Treatment programs in Ontario, Page 51. Appendix B: When to seek medical attention.
Emergency Services: COAST
(COAST) Crisis Outreach and Support Team:
Website Link: (COAST) Crisis Outreach and Support Team: Halton Regional Police Service Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) provides service to clients aged 16 and over, who are experiencing a mental health crisis with immediate outreach and support. It is comprised of health care workers and HRPS officers trained in mental health and crisis intervention, and is funded by the Canadian Mental Health Association of Halton and by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Halton’s COAST crisis line is 1-877-825-9011. available 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week. Intake workers will provide support and advice regarding next step.